Genes and Status Changes

Bruce Liebknecht's picture

In the last week, we reviewed and reorganised the genes of all plantpets to comply with the same concept. That is, each species has multiple common plantpets and a few rares, and eventually fewer limited. The rare plantpets have no color genes (which makes them rare) and the common and limited ones have color genes whose strengths add up to about 60%.
In this, we changed the status of a few plantpets as follows:

  1. Common plantpets were re-introduced for the following older species:
    • Agapanthus
    • Aster
    • Bird of Paradise
    • Bonsai
    • Candelabra Vomica
    • Eleusis
    • Rosa (6 plantpets, subspecies of Rose)
    • Saintpaulia
  2. We made a few common plantpets rare. These are:
    • Climbing Rose *Vampire Bite*
    • Easter Egg Tree
    • Mrs. Grasshead
  3. Maranta *Zebra* which was previously rare is now rare elite.

If you have plantpet seeds of these plantpets packed with the Set4Sale system you need to re-pack them in order to see the correct status in the floating text.
We also, made a few old plantpets vintage. These are:

  1. Saintpaulia
  2. Rosa (6 plantpets, subspecies of Rose)
  3. Three Dendrobium Orchids:
    • Dragon Charm
    • Pink Symphony
    • Sweetheart

We also made a change in the algorithm to ensure that plantpets which are not marked as vintage in the catalog ( never give seeds to plantpets which are marked as vintage in the catalog.