Bruce Liebknecht's picture

Evil Broccoli Genes

Please note that the Evil Broccoli plantpet has only one gene at the moment. It is the gene "potato head" with strength 50%. That means the baby seeds of the Evil Broccoli plantpet will be any Potato Head in 50% of the cases and any other non-limited plantpet in the other 50% of the cases. Please also not that we have united the Evil Broccoli with the Potato Heads in species Vegetable Heads.

Bruce Liebknecht's picture

Evil Broccoli Release

The Evil Broccoli and Mission have been released today at midday SLT. Initially, 250 copies are available for purchase in two vendors. Vendor A with 100 seeds will sell only one seed per avatar (if the avatar has not purchased any broccoli yet). Vendor B with 150 seeds will sell any number of seeds to any avatar.

Please NOTE that the Evil Broccoli is mesh and may be counted as 5 non-temporary prims on your land! This is our first mesh plantpet too! The Broccoli mesh was created by EntecMedia especially for PlantPets!

Bruce Liebknecht's picture

Evil Broccoli PlantPet and Mission

This Friday, the 26th of October, PlantPets will release a limited edition (LE) Evil Broccoli PlantPet as well as an Evil Broccoli Halloween Mission. The mission will consist of feeding a hungry evil broccoli 10 growing plantpets. It will eat any plantpet and once it has eaten ten, it will award you with a LE plantpet which is randomly picked from the following plantpets:

Bruce Liebknecht's picture

Get Rare Sunflowers with the PlantPets October 2012 Mission!

We have just released the October 2012 PlantPets Mission! It will be sold at the PlantPets Main Store until the 22nd of October, 1 pm SLT. The cost of the mission is L$250. It will be 20% off for members of the group PlantPets Premium until the 9th of October, 1 pm SLT and 10% off for members of the same group afterwards. The mission expires at the end of the month and awards can be claimed only until the 31st of October 2012.

Bruce Liebknecht's picture


Nine Sunflower plantpets have just been released, 6 common ones and 3 rare ones! All nine are listed in our catalog. Please note that they share the asterales gene with the asters and the daisies! All common sunflowers will be 25% off for members of the group PlantPets Premium until tomorrow, Oct 1st, 3 pm SLT.

A mission that will award rare sunflowers will follow in a few days! Stay tuned!

Bruce Liebknecht's picture

Time-Lapse Video of the Smiling Orchid Tree!

Please like and share the new PlantPets video on youtube! :) It was shoot in the beautiful sim Terra Ursa Minor. Special thanks to Galileo Michalski!

Bruce Liebknecht's picture

Booster Price Scheduled Update (This September)

We would like to warn all our customers that this September we will be implementing the annual scheduled update of the prices of the PlantPet boosters. It is expected that the price of boosters will go up by about 10%.

Bruce Liebknecht's picture

Discounts Policy in PlantPets Main Store

Some people have point out to me that our discount policy is not very clear. To make it clear to everybody, we will do the following. Starting from this Friday, all vendors in the PlantPets Main Store will have a 10% discount for members of the group PlantPets Premium, except if specified otherwise. The discounts apply to avatars who wear the group tag.

Bruce Liebknecht's picture

Smiling Orchid Tree

With a two-day delay we have just released the Smiling Orchid Tree. It comes in 8 orchid colors, 6 common, one rare and one rare-elite. All of them are already in our online catalog. The tree does not change; it serves as a base for the orchids to grow. The fully grown tree is 56 temporary prims.

We will be selling the orchid trees with 20% off for members of the group PlantPets Premium until the 8th of August. Then we will drop the discount to 10% until the end of August.

Bruce Liebknecht's picture

Orchid Tree Coming Soon!

On the 3rd of August we will release an orchid tree. It will come in 8 different colors. A week after the first release other orchid plantpets will have a small chance of giving seeds of the orchid tree as well.


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